General InfoSchool Hours
School begins at 7:30 a.m. each day; dismissal is at 2:30 p.m. Students can be dropped off as early as 7:00 a.m. and stay until 3:00 p.m. under teacher supervision. Our After-School Program is available from 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.. The charge for this service is $5.00 per hour. See the "After-School Program" section for more information. It is the parents' legal responsibility to get their child(ren) to school and to be to school on time. Unexcused tardiness and absences are considered truancy. Lunch Program A daily hot lunch is available to all students. The cost is $5.00 per day or $90.00 for 20 days with the purchase of a lunch card. Please see the "Lunch Program" section for more details. If you choose to pack, we strongly encourage wholesome foods in school lunches. Dress Code School uniforms are required for all students. For more information, please see the "School Policies" page. Grade Reporting Our goal is to communicate your child's grades and progress often. We encourage regular communication with the classroom teacher and will provide written reporting on these occasions. Grade K - 8: Progress Reports will be sent by email or mail halfway through the quarter. Report cards will be sent by email or mail at the end of the quarter. Immunization Records All new students must supply a copy of their immunization records. The current requirements are as follows: Kindergarten and 1st Grade: DTaP (4 doses), Polio (3 doses), Hepatitis B (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), Varicella (2 doses). Grades 2-6: DTaP (4 doses), Polio (3 doses), Hepatitis B (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), Varicella (2 doses). Grades 7-8: DTaP (4 doses), Polio (3 doses), Hepatitis B (3 doses), MMR (2 doses), Varicella (1 dose), MCV4 (1 dose). Please check with your child's doctor to make sure he/she is current on immunizations. Busing Central Baptist Academy does not provide transportation; however, some local school districts provide a yellow bus service to our school. Currently, we receive bus service from the following districts: Mt. Healthy, Winton Woods, Finneytown, and certain areas of Cincinnati Public. Please call your school district's transportation office for details. Students are expected to follow the rules and laws regarding bus transportation including, but not limited to, sitting in their assigned seats and abstaining from food and drinks. If the driver files a written report, consequences will be given to the student(s) at the school. Please see the "School Policies" page for more information on our discipline system. CASE PROGRAM COMING SOON |
School PoliciesLockers and Electronics
Students in grades 2-8 are issued a locker; students in grades 5-8 are issued a combination lock for that locker, which must be locked at all times. Electronics are not to be seen or used at any time anywhere on school property. They are to be kept turned off in the student's book bag in his/her locker. Illness Policy If your child is ill while at home, please keep him/her at home. Your child may return to school only if he/she has been fever-free (99 degrees or less) for 24 hours, has not been vomiting for 24 hours, and is generally feeling better. This rule also applies to those children who are sent home from school for illness. Medication at School All prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medication, including Tylenol, ibuprofen, Rolaids, etc., that is to be taken at school must have an Administration of Medication form completed by the doctor and parent. Cough drops may be given with a note from the parent and kept in the office for storage. Students may not keep medication in purses, lunch boxes, book bags, or in lockers. Dress Code All students may wear plain sweaters or sweatshirts that are solid red, black, or white in the classroom. (Jackets, hoodies, and coats are not permitted in the classroom.) Spirit wear may be worn on approved, announced days. All students may not wear hats, tattoos, hair of an unnatural color, or any scented body product (due to allergies). Boys are to wear black or khaki docker-style pants with red, black or white polo shirts. Shoes and socks are required. Boys may not wear piercings or sandals Girls are to wear black or khaki docker-style pants with red, black or white polo shirts. Shoes and socks are required. Girls may wear black or khaki knee-length skirts, shorts tights or leggings must be worn under the skirts Girls may not wear sandals Discipline System All students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful, Christian manner at all times. They are expected to exhibit excellent classroom behavior; poor behavior greatly interferes with learning. It is important that students know what is expected of them and the consequences for not meeting those expectations. Elementary (grades K-5): Our elementary discipline system is operated through rewards (for good behavior), warnings, written sentences, loss of recess or other privileges, checks given by teachers, after-school detention (grades 3-5), discipline notices, isolation from the classroom, parent pick-up, behavior intervention meetings, suspension, and expulsion. Middle School (grades 6-8): Our middle school discipline system is operated through rewards (for good behavior), warnings, demerits, in-school detentions, after-school detentions, isolation from the classroom, parent pick-up, behavior intervention meetings, suspension, and expulsion. |
Financial InfoApplication fee
The application fee for students is $125 if registered by April 1, $175 if registered by June 1 and $225 after June 1. This covers the registration process. Textbook Fee $550 per student (There is a discount for three or more students). Payment Plan Each family will be required to set up a 10 month payment plan Tuition Grades K-5: $6,466 Grades 6-8: $6,566 EdChoice Scholarship Visit our EdChoice page to see if your student qualifies for a scholarship through the EdChoice program due to a failing school district or family financial need. Additional charges Returned check $30 Tuition late fee $50 (for tuition payments received after the 25th of the month) |
Application ProcessNew Student? Here is what you need:
A. Please review the following on this page: B. Complete and/or compile the Application Packet Information listed below:
C. Pay the nonrefundable Application Fee of $125, $175, or $225. D. Call to make an appointment for the following: Testing All kindergarten students are given an entrance screening before enrollment. All students in grades 1-8 are given an assessment test before enrollment. At your request, we will send you these forms. All of the above items must be completed and turned in to the office before your child may be enrolled at Central Baptist Academy. If you have any questions, please contact the office at (513) 521-5481. Returning Students Returning students must pay a $125 (by April 1), $175 (by June 1) or $225 (after June 1) re-enrollment fee, which covers the returning registration process. Parents must fill out an application (and EdChoice Renewal Form if applicable) each school year. Please send in your registration form as early as possible to be sure that your child does not get closed out of any financial opportunities. Questions? Please call the school office at (513) 521-5481. Thank you! |
Lunch ProgramA daily hot lunch is available to all students. The cost is $5.00 per day or $90.00 for 20 days with the purchase of a lunch card.
(Drinks are included in this lunch price.) Milk (white or chocolate) or apple juice may be purchased separately for only 35 cents. This month's menu can be downloaded on the home page. The menu is subject to change. Please note that lunch orders must be placed by 8:30 a.m. each day. If your student needs to order lunch after this time, he/she will not be able to buy the listed lunch but may purchase snack crackers and cheese for a lesser cost. |
AFter School ProgramThe After-School Program begins daily at 3:00 p.m. and is provided for the convenience of parents who need childcare after school. This program is provided at a low cost and is prepaid.
Children must be signed out when picked up. All children must be picked up by 5:30 p.m., or there will be a late charge. If your child is not signed out, you will be charged the maximum for that day. ![]()
School ClosingAll major radio stations, television stations, and their Internet sites are good sources for school closings. We notify the stations by 5:20 a.m. if we plan to close for bad weather. Look for "Central Baptist Academy" or "Central Baptist Schools."
Please check more than one station since some are faster than others at getting the word out. Remember: If your child rides a bus, be sure to check that school district's website for weather-related closing information. In general, if the school district is closed, the buses for that district will not run. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL TO ASK IF WE ARE CLOSED. Please keep your phone number and email updated with the office to receive a one-call for any closing emergencies. |
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